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Showing posts from August, 2016

Be Great Doublelift

Doublelift. What started off as a simple card trick is now the greatest League of Legends player that North America has ever produced. I began playing League of Legends in 2012 and started following the competitive scene that same year. It was the third season of the North American League Championship Series. Amidst all the professional players there was one in particular that immediately drew my attention. His name is Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng. There were characteristics that I saw in Doublelift that separated him from the rest of the players in the NA LCS. He was cocky, confident, frequently trash talking his opponents. A desire to prove that he truly was the best player in his role. What was surprising is that with the persona that he presented, he was able to back up the talk. He truly was one of the best players in the world at his position. Showcasing brilliant mechanics that could only be replicated by few players on this planet, he did prove himself to be what