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Mayweather McGregor, the Fight for Money not Pride

After a over a year of back and forth, the fight very few boxing fans cared for has been finalized. Conor Mcgregor will be facing the defensive master Floyd “Money” Mayweather on August 26th. As a competitive fight this bout is going to be nowhere near as competitive as the casual spectator expects it to be. This fight isn’t about two competitors trying to prove who’s the best. This fight is about selling a show and making a ridiculous amount of money in the process. There is a strong reason Floyd dropped the “Pretty Boy” nickname and began referring to himself as “Money”. The reason being is that it purely is about the money for Floyd.
This fight would have been a better fit for Wrestlemania in 2018 but having it take place in a boxing ring is disrespectful to the sport. In 2017 boxing has seen one of its best years in recent memory and sadly that is going to be overshadowed by the gray cloud of Mcgregor vs. Mayweather. This year in boxing we have seen the best fight the best from Santa Cruz Frampton 2, Ward Kovalev 2, Golovkin Jacobs, Spence Jr Brook the list goes on and on. It seems as though when the sport of boxing is at its highest in a post Mayweather world, Floyd feels the need to shake things up for the sake of greed. It is important for the casual viewers to take into account this one thought. What can Conor McGregor do that 47 other professional boxers were incapable of doing against Floyd? It’s not like Conor is this undefeated prospect the man has been beat before and he’s going to get beat again August 26th.
It should come as no surprise that the outcome is already certain which is why Floyd took the fight to begin with. Footage has already leaked of Conor getting outworked by a boxer sparring partner in training camp. Just because someone might be physically gifted does not mean they are going to come into a sport for the first time and beat one of the greatest fighters of all time. Lebron James is one of the most gifted athletes we have seen in recent years so I pose this question. With less than a year to prepare would Lebron James be able to compete in the Superbowl? Someone could be an amazing guitar player but just because you know how to play the guitar doesn’t mean you’re going to pick up a tuba one day and instantly be a master at it.
The average viewer can be sold on McGregor’s trash talk and Floyd’s trash talk but at the end of the day it’s all just a show. Both these men are after the same thing and it’s using their athletic popularity to generate revenue. Floyd knows how to sell a fight, Conor knows how to sell a fight, both these guys were made for each other. Time and time again you see Floyd in press conferences stating he’s going to knock his opponent out that he’s going to stand toe to toe and brawl but it doesn’t happen. The reality of it is that it doesn’t have to. All the talk is for the sake of selling the fight. You can buy into Conor stating how determined he is to beat Floyd and how he has personal animosity towards Floyd but none of it matters. The promotion leading up to this fight is going to be the equivalent to the WWE. Just like the WWE the winner of this match is already predetermined.


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