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Can The Faithful Still Be Rewarded?

The CLG organization has faced its ups and its downs. Anyone who has followed them over the years knows the rollercoaster that is associated with the League of Legends team. We have seen them go from barely surviving relegations against Curse Academy to winning a game against SKT. The sheer unpredictability of this team is its beauty and its demise. In the past the organization had a willingness to try new things in order to strive for success. They were the first North American team to import a Korean player in “Seraph” and they also tried their luck with bringing in European jungler “Dexter”.
CLG booted their long time star player “Doublelift” to create a better atmosphere for the players. Sometimes changes CLG made worked and sometimes it didn’t. Many people including myself thought they were making a huge mistake in getting rid of “Doublelift” but they proved us all wrong. They went on to win the 2016 Spring Split against rival Team Solomid and Doublelift. Then they had the greatest international performance by a North American team by making the final of the Mid Season Invitational. All of this success was achieved with their current roster.
As many other teams have made changes with their players and coaching staff, CLG has chosen to remain the same. This was not so huge of an issue until now. CLG a team who once reverse swept their way out of being relegated by a challenger team, has now been reverse swept in the playoffs by a former challenger team. There is no question that this roster has the potential to be successful because they have had success in the past, but something just is not working. It is difficult to pinpoint what the exact issue is. Whether they need a better coaching staff to keep the players head in the game, or it is time to shuffle the roster. There is not a clear answer to what the fix will be for CLG to be a NA LCS contender.
Was it complacency in games 3 and 4 that made them give away Rengar after Moon clearly carried the games with the champion? Or have players like Xmithie fallen out of the meta due to the current state of the game. The entire season has been a fight for CLG to even make it to the playoffs. This organization has faced many hardships trying to be a top team in North America. After winning the 2015 Summer Split at Madison Square Garden, anything short of a trip to the World Championship just isn’t going to cut it for this fanbase. CLG seems to be in that exact same position they were after the 2015 Spring Split. They needed to make changes and they did. They parted ways with Link and brought Pobelter on as the starting midlaner. They hired coach Chris to help discipline the team and Weldon to keep their heads on straight. It is time for CLG to make another change.
This roster in its current state has had plenty of chances to prove itself but these results are not enough to justify doing everything the same way for another split. CLG fans want to see  their team playing at Worlds and not playing to avoid relegations. They have endured enough letdowns over the years to have to revisit that same feeling. CLG has already dug a hole with their opportunity to go to Worlds, now it is time for the organization to get it together and pull themselves out if it.


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