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Avengers Endgame REVIEW

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The grand finale has finally arrived after 22 films and 11 years of build up. Avengers Endgame is now in theaters and it definitely lived up to the height. After the intensity and emotions we all went through with Infinity War, many were wondering how the story would come to a close. Avengers Endgame has a lot more humor than most would anticipate considering the primarily serious tone of Infinity War. It seems as though the Russo brothers intended for there to be a happier tone for the viewers in preparation for the final battle that was to come.
With both Thor and the Hulk embracing their more comedic roles as was seen in Thor Ragnorok, you can easily forget the primary goal of the heroes. This is a testament to the Russo’s ability to develop a story with intricate characters that take on a journey through various emotions. With the journey to collect the infinity stones and be able to take a look back to where our heroes started then to where they are now is truly remarkable. This movie could have easily been a continuation of the Infinity War approach but instead gave us an in depth look to the development of the original avengers. If we were to nitpick at what flaws the movie has it would be with the primary plot point in time travel.
A majority of fans predicted there would be some type of time travel especially with the release of Ant Man and the Wasp which introduced us to the quantum realm. Time travel in film can be a bit played out and extremely debatable considering the fact that so many different films adopt different approaches to rules of time travel. The Russo’s do an excellent job of acknowledging the rules of time travel directly in the film by name dropping classic films like Back to the Future. It is up to the viewer themselves to decide how they would want to interpret the film’s driving plot.
Aside from that the final act of the film is perhaps one of if not the greatest cinematic experience ever created. The final battle on earth between the Avengers and Thanos has so many amazing moments. The return of the heroes we were lost in Infinity War and also Captain America picking up Thor’s hammer were scenes that will be talked about for years to come. Avengers Endgame has a lot going on in its 3 hour run time and it is difficult to call it a perfect film. With that much runtime and content there bound to be topics that are up for debate. With that said it does an amazing job of wrapping up the stories of earth’s mightiest heroes. The leads of the avengers Captain America and Iron-Man specifically, got the send off they so well deserved.


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