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Love Notes II - m_boogs Review

West Covina native rapper m_boogs has just released his latest project Love Notes II. This is a sequel to m_boogs Love Notes released in 2012. As you would guess the focus of both these projects is the wonderful thing we call love. It is amazing to see m_boogs growth as an artist from revisiting the first Love Notes to now hearing part 2. It is also an interesting idea that no matter how long ago a relationship took place, it can still have an impact on our lives. Whether it is a relationship involving attraction to another person or relations as a friend. Things we do will leave a lasting effect on someone else’s life and we may not even know it.
This thought brings us to Love Notes II. With the help of Justin De Guzman being the exclusive producer for this project, m_boogs takes us on a trip through his emotions. With smooth jazzy production accompanied by m_boogs cool but sharp flow, this under 30 minute project is perfect for a night time drive. Love has been a popular topic in music for many years now and can sometimes feel overused. Despite that m_boogs manages to make his experience with love feel unique and fresh. The project in its entirety is not something that is going to make you feel down and out. Rather it gives you the feeling that you are at a bar with m_boogs and you are seeing first hand how this woman makes him feel.
This vibe is solidified with contributions from New York Hip Hop artist Mark Pheonix. Mark Pheonix is the only feature on the project. His verse on “Far Away” and his interlude on “Love vs Like” , help to lay the groundwork for things to come from Love Notes II. This project is a great depiction of that feeling of love at first sight, and handshake. Heavily focused on all the highs that boogs is going through from spending time with this woman as well as the lows. m_boogs paints the picture well of what it feels like to be in love. The standout track on this project is “Good Ol’ Luvin pt.3”. This song is m_boogs at his best delivering a great chorus, great melody and a great verse.

On the song “Rina (Dear You)” you start to realize that these words that m_boogs puts together truly are love notes. There isn’t an interaction with the woman he’s in love with or once loved but this is him venting all the words he wished he could have told her to make things work. Even though this person made him feel so many different emotions for better or for worse, he still leaves the door open to a future relationship with her. These are emotions that any listener will be able to grasp and relate to in some way shape or form. The one aspect I would have liked to hear on this project was the perspective of the woman and what might have caused her to cut things off. I only wonder what was it in her own personality that made her choose differently but that is to be covered in future projects from the Filipino rapper. Overall this is a great listen and a good introduction to m_boogs who shows that as an artist, he is not afraid to turn his vulnerabilities into music that we can all appreciate and relate to.


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